PopMM - 26/07/24 11:23

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* If you need the patch, get it at http://popre.net/downloads.php?f=1

The matchmaker is most active around 4PM GMT
The map of the day is:
NW 10: Adventure Worlds - Warfare (4 players)
Play it for double the traditional points and a chance at Player of the Day!

[11:31] Dougs in
[11:34] Dougs out
[11:35] Dougs in
[12:28] [AvA]Mix_J in
[12:33] [AvA]Mix_J> +1 1v1 for fun
[12:42] [AvA]Mix_J out
[12:42] [AvA]Mix_J in
[13:03] martian in
[13:03] martian> 2 vs2
[13:04] Tanatos in
[13:05] [AvA]Mix_J> ciao ossur
[13:05] martian> yo
[13:05] martian> open up to 2 spots
[13:05] martian> 2vs2
[13:06] [AvA]Mix_J> no players
[13:06] martian> give us 5 min
[13:06] martian> Tanatos join
[13:06] barracuda11 in
[13:07] Tanatos> hii
[13:07] martian> hi
[13:07] barracuda11 out
[13:07] Tanatos> 2vs 2?
[13:10] martian> mic how is it in france?
[13:11] martian> yes tan we are doing 2vs2
[13:11] martian> i need to teach mix to lose with dignity
[13:12] martian> tanatos
[13:12] martian> do you believe that mathematics is the language of the universe?
[13:14] doom9718> tanatos i recommend you ignore martian, he smoke porros
[13:14] martian> i mean we could have discovered mars by using math only?
[13:14] martian> just by measuring the light from the distant stars
[13:15] martian> doom join and i will teach you how to lose with dignity
[13:15] doom9718> lol
[13:15] doom9718> with mix have high ping :'(
[13:16] [AvA]Mix_J> martian> i need to teach mix to lose with dignity
[13:16] martian> and after that i will teach you how to lose with style
[13:16] [AvA]Mix_J> ?
[13:16] martian> i was joking
[13:16] martian> doom join
[13:16] [AvA]Mix_J> better u was
[13:16] [AvA]Mix_J> :P
[13:16] [AvA]Mix_J> i need teach you how win
[13:16] martian> what you gonna kill me
[13:16] martian> ?
[13:16] martian> thats a bannable offence
[13:16] [AvA]Mix_J> im gonna kiss u
[13:17] martian> :kiss:
[13:17] martian> see
[13:17] martian> i didnt think for a minute
[13:17] [AvA]Mix_J> good
[13:17] martian> it took my half a second to respond to you with a kiss
[13:17] [AvA]Mix_J> +1
[13:17] [AvA]Mix_J> u vs tanatos?
[13:17] [AvA]Mix_J> i host u
[13:18] [AvA]Mix_J> i wanna w
[13:18] martian> if he wants
[13:18] martian> but i rather 2vs2
[13:18] [AvA]Mix_J> ok nah
[13:18] martian> nah is not here
[13:18] [AvA]Mix_J> ure
[13:18] [AvA]Mix_J> :D
[13:18] martian> mic
[13:18] [AvA]Mix_J> o nah nah o nah
[13:18] martian> you are from francheÐ
[13:18] martian>
[13:18] martian> ?
[13:19] [AvA]Mix_J> italy
[13:19] [AvA]Mix_J> wtf
[13:19] martian> :P
[13:19] [AvA]Mix_J> k tana
[13:19] Tanatos out
[13:19] [AvA]Mix_J> yesterday delax got a big bash from me
[13:20] [AvA]Mix_J> 20 min in pp
[13:21] Tanatos in
[13:21] Plust in
[13:21] martian> hm
[13:21] martian> wanna play vs us tanatos
[13:21] martian> and your friend
[13:22] martian> mic?
[13:22] martian> .
[13:22] [AvA]Mix_J> ?
[13:22] martian> tanatos
[13:22] [AvA]Mix_J> what map
[13:22] martian> and plust
[13:22] martian> do you want to ally?
[13:22] nah in
[13:22] martian> or best?
[13:22] [AvA]Mix_J> [AvA]Mix_J + martian vs. Plust + Tanatos
[13:23] [AvA]Mix_J> lol
[13:23] Tanatos> this map?
[13:23] nah> hi
[13:23] nah> anyone up for one game of 1v1?
[13:23] nah out
[13:23] nah in
[13:23] martian> nah
[13:23] martian> not this map
[13:23] nah> I have 45 minutes only of time
[13:23] nah> :)
[13:23] [AvA]Mix_J> w map
[13:23] martian> pp
[13:23] martian> or walls
[13:23] Tanatos> I and Plust
[13:24] kopulus in
[13:26] kopulus out
[13:31] doom9718 out
[13:32] [AvA]Mix_J> very gg
[13:32] [AvA]Mix_J> :D
[13:33] [AvA]Mix_J out
[13:33] Plust out
[13:33] Tanatos out
[13:59] martian> GAY LOVE FOR ALL
[14:00] martian out
[14:00] martian in
[14:39] Hellfest in
[14:40] Hellfest out
[15:00] nah> Hi
[15:00] nah> Anyone up for a game?
[15:13] kopulus in
[15:14] kopulus out
[15:29] nah> :)
[15:32] Meph in
[15:39] lebannen in
[15:43] nah out
[15:45] Meph out
[15:48] Dougs out
[15:48] Dougs in
[15:50] doom9718 in
[15:50] doom9718> hello shit this is empty
[15:54] [D]Trumps_Ear in
[15:54] [D]Trumps_Ear> :stormingfs:
[15:54] [D]Trumps_Ear> damn
[15:54] [D]Trumps_Ear> where's hilary
[15:55] Mowgli in
[15:55] doom9718> :)
[15:55] Mowgli out
[15:55] doom9718> nvm
[15:55] doom9718> i see
[15:58] doom9718 out
[15:58] [D]doom9718 in
[15:58] [D]doom9718> Buahhhhhh
[16:00] [D]doom9718> dougs lebannen and martian lets play
[16:04] lebannen> es muy temprano
[16:04] lebannen> xD
[16:06] [D]doom9718> lol
[16:07] [D]doom9718> definitivamente tengo que hablar de populous en mi canal de youtube para traer nuevos jugadores
[16:10] lebannen> jajaj eso estaba pensando
[16:10] lebannen> hacer unos tiktoks para que la gente conozca el juego
[16:10] [D]doom9718 in
[16:10] lebannen> algo para que lleguen más jugadores
[16:11] lebannen> hacer unos tiktoks para que la gente conozca el juego o algo
[16:11] [D]doom9718> si
[16:11] [D]doom9718> bueno ayer estaba jugando wow
[16:11] lebannen> antes habia un poco más de activos de latam
[16:11] [D]doom9718> y a unos amigos les recomende el juego
[16:12] [D]doom9718> y dijeron que lo iban a instalar
[16:12] [D]doom9718> hoy se los vuelvo a recordad
[16:12] [D]doom9718> recordar
[16:12] [D]doom9718> lol
[16:12] lebannen> esperemos les guste
[16:12] [D]doom9718> si se topan con ciertos jugadores no se van a querer quedar
[16:12] [D]doom9718> por eso tenemos que cuidar a los nuevos
[16:12] lebannen> lol
[16:12] lebannen> cierto!
[16:13] [D]doom9718 out
[16:21] Meph in
[16:39] nah in
[16:40] nah out
[16:40] nah in
[16:40] nah> AFK - 6 min
[16:42] humanbean in
[16:42] humanbean out
[16:49] [D]doom9718 out
[16:49] nah> wait I played with you
[16:49] nah> once
[16:49] [D]doom9718 in
[16:49] nah> just refresh app
[16:49] nah out
[16:49] nah in
[16:50] nah out
[16:50] nah in
[16:50] nah> hm
[16:50] nah> but we played other day
[16:50] nah> hm
[16:50] nah> can not remeber :(
[16:51] nah> ok
[16:51] nah> well
[16:51] nah> then nothing :)
[16:52] [D]doom9718> we must wait
[17:01] _Dragon_Soul in
[17:01] [D]doom9718 in
[17:01] _Dragon_Soul out
[17:01] _Dragon_Soul in
[17:02] _Dragon_Soul out
[17:03] [D]doom9718 out
[17:06] SavageOpress_OP in
[17:08] SavageOpress_OP out
[17:10] bignoobmanfr in
[17:12] [D]Trumps_Ear out
[17:13] [AvA]Mix_J in
[17:14] bignoobmanfr> bignoobmanfr + nah vs. [AvA]Mix_J + [D]doom9718
[17:14] nah> pls 3 minutes
[17:15] bignoobmanfr> ok
[17:15] RessurectioN_TAS in
[17:15] bignoobmanfr> ping
[17:17] nah> ping to me when time is up
[17:17] nah> so that I can come back here
[17:17] [D]doom9718 out
[17:17] [AvA]Mix_J out
[17:18] RessurectioN_TAS out
[17:18] nah> ok
[17:18] nah> LOL
[17:18] nah> c'mon
[17:18] nah> guys
[17:20] nah> YOU WAIT WHOLE F DAY and when I said to you 3 minutes bc was in middle of work you leave
[17:20] nah> lol
[17:20] bignoobmanfr> lol
[17:22] nah> want 1v1?
[17:22] nah out
[17:22] nah in
[17:22] bignoobmanfr> ok
[17:23] nah out
[17:23] nah in
[17:24] [D]doom9718 in
[17:39] [D]doom9718> +2
[17:39] martian> i cant host
[17:39] martian> lebannen host?
[17:42] martian> gay
[17:42] martian> love
[17:42] martian> for
[17:42] martian> all
[17:42] lebannen> map?
[17:42] martian> walls
[17:43] lebannen> wich mpapack is it?
[17:43] martian> GreatGayWorlds
[17:43] martian> thats the mappack
[17:43] martian> lol the name but it has nothing to do with gay
[17:43] martian> the one who made it , "Dougs" is actually gay in rl
[17:43] [D]doom9718> +1
[17:43] [D]Nightfury in
[17:43] [D]doom9718> pick map day
[17:44] [D]doom9718> warfare
[17:44] [D]Nightfury out
[17:44] martian> nightfury has joined
[17:44] martian> .
[17:45] Kayin in
[17:45] Kayin out
[17:45] Kayin in
[17:46] [D]doom9718> :+1:
[17:46] [D]Nightfury in
[17:47] lebannen> brb
[17:50] [AvA]Mix_J in
[17:51] [AvA]Mix_J> vieni ale rematch 1v1?
[17:51] [AvA]Mix_J> for fun
[17:51] [D]doom9718> who is alex?
[17:51] [AvA]Mix_J> delax
[17:51] [AvA]Mix_J> nightfury
[17:52] Mammy_Tas in
[17:52] Mammy_Tas> :heyguyz: :tree1:
[17:52] [AvA]Mix_J> hi mammy
[17:52] [AvA]Mix_J> :OP
[17:53] [D]doom9718> hi mammy
[17:53] Mammy_Tas> Hello :)
[18:01] [GoD]FreeInca in
[18:02] [GoD]FreeInca> mic mic
[18:02] [AvA]Mix_J> hi quitter
[18:02] [AvA]Mix_J> :D
[18:02] [D]doom9718> lol
[18:05] Kayin out
[18:13] nah> Thank for the game, JUST I can not belive that was happening
[18:13] RessurectioN_TAS in
[18:13] nah> Like I click on the PLAN they just go on top of plan and sit there
[18:13] nah> or my Shaman just sitting wont cast spell
[18:14] RessurectioN_TAS out
[18:14] [AvA]Mix_J> [AvA]Mix_J + [D]Nightfury vs. martian + RessurectioN_TAS
[18:14] nah> Well wont do that anymore
[18:14] bignoobmanfr> yea
[18:14] nah> will just do classic things
[18:14] [AvA]Mix_J> [AvA]Mix_J + [D]Nightfury vs. martian + Meph
[18:14] nah> cya
[18:14] nah out
[18:14] bignoobmanfr> cya
[18:19] Mowgli in
[18:20] [Rw]Ninety> @Joseph bad
[18:22] [AvA]JJaydenn in
[18:30] martian out
[18:32] [AvA]Mix_J out
[18:33] [D]Nightfury out
[18:42] Dougs> +1
[18:45] merciless1 in
[18:47] MrSmokin_hottie26> where da fhk all the homies
[18:51] Mowgli out
[18:52] merciless1> big big homie right here my brah
[18:53] merciless1> but ye where are my pro 8p games :monkahmm:
[18:58] SavageOpress_OP in
[19:02] [AvA]Mix_J in
[19:03] Nici in
[19:06] [AvA]Mix_J> :+3:
[19:07] [GoD]FreeInca> chele para doom
[19:08] merciless1> always chele
[19:09] [GoD]FreeInca> lol
[19:11] SavageOpress_OP out
[19:16] [AvA]Mix_J> +1 1v1
[19:17] Dougs out
[19:17] Svarog in
[19:19] [SW]Fried_Rice in
[19:22] [D]Nightfury in
[19:23] Meph> yo let delax in
[19:28] [D]doom9718> sorry was playing dota
[19:28] Power in
[19:28] Power> hmm
[19:29] Power> which hut to join
[19:29] Power> lots of them
[19:30] [D]doom9718> lol
[19:30] [D]doom9718> hello power
[19:30] Power> hello
[19:30] Power> nice u joined a clan
[19:30] [D]doom9718> yep
[19:31] [GoD]FreeInca> chele
[19:31] [GoD]FreeInca> para delax
[19:31] [D]doom9718> no spot for a noob merciless?
[19:31] [GoD]FreeInca> doom is shaman
[19:32] Power out
[19:34] [GoD]FreeInca> me estoy muriendo perras
[19:34] [D]doom9718> medicate
[19:36] merciless1> merciless1 + [SW]Fried_Rice + [GoD]FreeInca vs. Meph + [D]Nightfury + MrSmokin_hottie26
[19:36] merciless1> dem teams are fked up lmaoo
[19:37] merciless1> suggest gud teams meph senpai
[19:37] Meph> me bella and delax
[19:37] Mammy_Tas> D:
[19:37] Mammy_Tas> hut looks full
[19:38] [AvA]Mix_J> fking shit map sess
[19:39] bignoobmanfr> lmaoo didnt have to quit
[19:39] merciless1> shall we get mammy
[19:39] Mammy_Tas> Do we have another then?
[19:40] Meph> just open and let mammy and mix join
[19:40] merciless1> well we wud need 8th
[19:40] Mammy_Tas> yay :D
[19:40] [AvA]Mix_J> ye
[19:40] [AvA]Mix_J> :D
[19:40] Svarog out
[19:40] merciless1> yah
[19:40] merciless1> big sho saved the day yeye
[19:40] merciless1> merciless1 + [SW]Fried_Rice + MrSmokin_hottie26 + Mammy_Tas vs. Meph + [D]Nightfury + [GoD]FreeInca + [AvA]Mix_J
[19:40] Mammy_Tas> :fwhype:
[19:40] merciless1> :monkahmm: ..
[19:40] [SW]Fried_Rice> 18 people online and a decent 8 player game
[19:40] [SW]Fried_Rice> hell yeh
[19:41] Meph> random my team
[19:41] merciless1> lol
[19:41] merciless1> so u dont wanna choose bases
[19:41] merciless1> :weirdman:
[19:41] Nici out
[19:41] Svarog in
[19:46] [AvA]Mix_J out
[19:46] [SW]Fried_Rice> i smelled it coming
[19:46] Power in
[19:46] Meph> lol what a retard
[19:46] Mammy_Tas> Power join :)
[19:46] merciless1> was too gud to be true eh? :feelsbadman:
[19:46] Power> hey mammy
[19:46] Power> ty i will sleep soon
[19:46] [GoD]FreeInca> lol
[19:46] Mammy_Tas> hi :)
[19:46] Power> just come here if any drama going on
[19:47] [SW]Fried_Rice> sleep????
[19:47] Power> yes
[19:47] [D]doom9718> lol
[19:47] merciless1> you'll sleep when u die
[19:47] merciless1> now come
[19:47] [SW]Fried_Rice> at 10pm???
[19:47] merciless1> :monkamega:
[19:47] Power> i wake up 6
[19:47] Power> and work all day
[19:47] [SW]Fried_Rice> on a saturday....
[19:47] Power> everyday
[19:47] merciless1> :monkamega::monkamega:
[19:47] [GoD]FreeInca> ogogogogog
[19:47] [SW]Fried_Rice> what work do u do
[19:47] merciless1> merciless1 + Meph + [D]Nightfury + lebannen vs. [SW]Fried_Rice + [GoD]FreeInca + Mammy_Tas + MrSmokin_hottie26
[19:48] [SW]Fried_Rice> man this is no longer a pro game
[19:48] Power> family has apricor orchards
[19:48] Power> apricot*
[19:48] [SW]Fried_Rice> u should ask ur family for days off bro
[19:48] merciless1> bella
[19:48] Svarog out
[19:48] merciless1> choose bases for ur team
[19:48] [SW]Fried_Rice> idc
[19:48] [SW]Fried_Rice> just go
[19:48] merciless1> Lol.
[19:48] merciless1> Ok
[19:50] Power out
[20:11] nah in
[20:11] nah> hello
[20:11] nah out
[20:11] nah in
[20:17] [D]Trumps_Ear in
[20:17] [GoD]FreeInca out
[20:17] [GoD]FreeInca in
[20:23] Meph> ggwp
[20:23] [D]doom9718> gg wp\
[20:23] Mammy_Tas> gg
[20:23] merciless1> gg meph hosts next
[20:24] Meph out
[20:24] [D]doom9718> +1
[20:26] [D]doom9718> lebannen join us
[20:27] [D]Nightfury out
[20:28] nah> come I got gud
[20:28] nah> :)
[20:29] nah> well in last 2v2 I lasted 48 minutse
[20:29] nah> so can call that not noob play :)
[20:29] [D]doom9718> lol
[20:30] nah> The map of the day is:
[20:30] nah> Wonder what this map of the day is
[20:31] [D]doom9718> no, is other
[20:31] nah> that seemd like tought map
[20:32] nah> there are 6 a
[20:32] nah> ayers
[20:32] nah> I have feeling that my muscles act by themselvs sometimes
[20:33] nah> I pressed ENTER mid sentence, uknowingly
[20:33] [D]doom9718> wtf
[20:33] nah> (:
[20:34] nah> Mammy ? wanna join
[20:34] nah> ah you are one of those PRO 3v3 players
[20:34] [D]doom9718> who?
[20:36] nah> I seen Mammy_Tas in those 4v4 3v3 games
[20:36] [D]doom9718> oh
[20:36] bignoobmanfr> i gotta eat brb 15 mins
[20:36] bignoobmanfr> you guys can 1v1 practice ill host if u want
[20:36] nah> um
[20:36] nah> Sure
[20:36] nah> if Doom wants
[20:37] bignoobmanfr> ill do unranked
[20:37] nah> Only if he wants
[20:39] [D]doom9718> ok
[20:39] [D]doom9718> pick tom map
[20:39] [D]Guiseppe in
[20:39] [SW]BadNewsEagles in
[20:39] [D]doom9718> from asgard world
[20:39] [SW]BadNewsEagles out
[20:39] [SW]BadNewsEagles in
[20:39] [D]Guiseppe> Dooooom
[20:39] [SW]BadNewsEagles> Halooo
[20:39] [D]doom9718> hello jozef
[20:40] [D]doom9718> how are you?
[20:40] [D]Guiseppe> Nice, good to have you as fellow slave :ohyes:
[20:40] bignoobmanfr> brb
[20:40] bignoobmanfr out
[20:40] [D]doom9718> im official your studient now jozef
[20:40] [D]Guiseppe> Im well, howre you
[20:40] [D]Guiseppe> loool
[20:40] [D]doom9718> very fine
[20:40] [D]Guiseppe> you need better teacher like Nici or Meph :kekw:
[20:40] [D]doom9718> i saw last match of meph and learn 1 new trick
[20:40] [D]doom9718> lol
[20:41] [D]Guiseppe> watch them as much as you can, you'll learn alot
[20:41] nah> Um
[20:41] [D]doom9718> i saw how he build in back base in walls
[20:41] nah> I am gonna hit one of Hearthstone Arena games
[20:41] [D]Guiseppe> did he use a tower
[20:41] nah> till its ready
[20:41] [D]Guiseppe> to get a another hut?
[20:41] [D]doom9718> yes
[20:41] [D]Guiseppe> yea nici does that oo
[20:41] [D]doom9718> my brain blow
[20:41] nah> OM, I was doing that on SINGLE PLAyer
[20:41] [D]doom9718> i never imagine that
[20:41] [D]doom9718> lol
[20:41] nah> Bc when you put down a foundation they fix the land
[20:42] [D]Guiseppe> yea lol
[20:42] [D]doom9718> yes
[20:42] [D]doom9718> lol
[20:42] [D]Guiseppe> thats why they are top 5
[20:42] nah> I forgot a lots of stuffs
[20:42] nah> I played game 2 years ago
[20:42] [D]doom9718> now i have a new trick ;)
[20:42] [SW]BadNewsEagles> Joephhh join mano
[20:42] [D]Guiseppe> Hey Jimmy
[20:42] [D]Guiseppe> Nephew is over
[20:42] [D]Guiseppe> so just chat for now
[20:43] nah> I want to play something, gonna play Hearthstone
[20:43] [D]doom9718> jimmy speak spanish?
[20:43] nah> so when ready please ping me
[20:43] [D]Guiseppe> Jimmy is albanian
[20:43] [D]doom9718> ok
[20:44] [D]doom9718> jozef you see my new tag right? ;)
[20:44] [SW]BadNewsEagles> Ye
[20:44] [D]Guiseppe> yes lol
[20:44] [D]Guiseppe> [D]Guiseppe> Nice, good to have you as fellow slave
[20:44] [SW]BadNewsEagles> Da espanolo xD
[20:44] [SW]BadNewsEagles> I am Albanian
[20:44] [D]doom9718> ah
[20:44] [SW]BadNewsEagles> i know Albanian and English
[20:44] [D]doom9718> lol
[20:44] [D]Guiseppe> I know albanian too
[20:44] [SW]BadNewsEagles> Joseph man
[20:44] [SW]BadNewsEagles> Do you wana play
[20:44] [SW]BadNewsEagles> Really ?
[20:44] [SW]BadNewsEagles> xD
[20:45] [D]Guiseppe> nuk te kam thene kurre kete?
[20:45] [D]doom9718> hey
[20:45] [SW]BadNewsEagles> Lol
[20:45] [SW]BadNewsEagles> Nice translate
[20:45] [SW]BadNewsEagles> xD
[20:45] [D]Guiseppe> xD
[20:45] [D]doom9718> no exclude me from that conversation
[20:45] [D]Guiseppe> I tried
[20:45] [D]Guiseppe> :P
[20:45] [SW]BadNewsEagles> Man do you wana play
[20:45] [D]doom9718> lol
[20:45] [SW]BadNewsEagles> if not
[20:45] [D]Guiseppe> i cant play right now
[20:45] [SW]BadNewsEagles> Tell me
[20:45] [D]Guiseppe> my nephew is here
[20:45] [SW]BadNewsEagles> Guys
[20:45] [SW]BadNewsEagles> do you want 2v1
[20:45] [D]Guiseppe> and he's 8 so have to watch him
[20:45] [D]Guiseppe> can host if needed
[20:45] [D]doom9718> no
[20:45] nah> Well make him watch
[20:45] nah> you play
[20:45] nah> Ah I am in HS
[20:46] [SW]BadNewsEagles> Cool
[20:46] [SW]BadNewsEagles> full hut
[20:46] [D]Guiseppe> no leaf he is not interested in old games
[20:46] [D]doom9718> lol
[20:46] [SW]BadNewsEagles> you have to host lebannen
[20:46] [D]Guiseppe> I can host if needed too
[20:47] [D]doom9718> this will be a little unfair
[20:47] [SW]BadNewsEagles> Go
[20:47] [D]Guiseppe> Jimmy is a fw, put him with Nah
[20:47] ExLordDeath in
[20:48] [SW]BadNewsEagles> Lets fkinn playyyy Guy
[20:48] [D]doom9718> hello exlord
[20:48] [SW]BadNewsEagles> sss
[20:48] [SW]BadNewsEagles> Guys
[20:48] [D]doom9718> exlord host us
[20:48] [SW]BadNewsEagles> ExLordDeath: 1v1
[20:48] [D]doom9718> omg
[20:48] [D]doom9718> i wanna spec that
[20:48] [SW]BadNewsEagles> Kopa
[20:48] [D]Guiseppe> Jimmy win
[20:48] [SW]BadNewsEagles> 1v1 ?
[20:48] [D]doom9718> yes
[20:48] ExLordDeath> ill 1v1
[20:48] [D]Guiseppe> actually idk
[20:48] [SW]BadNewsEagles> cool
[20:48] [SW]BadNewsEagles> go
[20:48] [D]doom9718> can i spec?
[20:48] [D]Guiseppe> Riley is strong these days
[20:48] ExLordDeath> sure
[20:49] [D]doom9718> nah wanna spec too?
[20:49] nah> spec No
[20:49] merciless1 out
[20:49] [D]Guiseppe> doom better to spectate the other way
[20:49] [SW]BadNewsEagles> maybe lets play with Minibot_UK
[20:49] [D]doom9718> ok
[20:49] [D]Guiseppe> so you can see what spells he charges
[20:49] [D]Guiseppe> and when
[20:49] [D]doom9718> ar
[20:49] [D]Guiseppe> jimmy make sure you have spectators enabled
[20:49] [D]Guiseppe> :monkastab:
[20:50] ExLordDeath> 1 sec
[20:50] ExLordDeath out
[20:50] ExLordDeath in
[20:50] [SW]BadNewsEagles> join
[20:50] Minibot_UK> [SW]BadNewsEagles: Please wait until the "X Ping" goes away before sending commands. * Type !forward , if you are having issues with ping/connecting
[20:50] Minibot_UK> ExLordDeath: Welcome to the 1vs1 HostBot! To use, PM the following commands: * [maps] - Lists the available maps * [launch] - Starts the game * [color name] - Change the tribe rotation (blue/red/green/yellow) * [unrank] - Set the game to unranked * [rank] - Set the host to be ranked (on by default) * [reset] - Restarts the hostbot, if it gets stuck. * [download] - Download Link Installer for the game.
[20:50] [D]doom9718> why minibot?
[20:50] ExLordDeath> idk
[20:50] [SW]BadNewsEagles> go
Launching game...
[20:51] [D]Guiseppe> Its lower ping for jimmy
Minibot_UK - Map Pack: Åsgard Worlds (1.1)
[20:51] ExLordDeath> better ping for him mayber
ExLordDeath - MapPack: OK
[SW]BadNewsEagles - MapPack: OK
Players: - Minibot_UK: Blue (Watcher) - [SW]BadNewsEagles: Red - ExLordDeath: Yellow * Ranked Game Game Type: Normal
[20:51] [SW]BadNewsEagles> launch
[20:51] [D]Guiseppe> Most europeans are queens about ping lol
[20:51] [D]doom9718> cant in
[20:51] [D]Guiseppe> do it on jimmy
[20:51] [D]Guiseppe> quick
[20:51] [D]Guiseppe> if that dont work try riley
[20:52] [D]doom9718> no work too :)
[20:52] [D]doom9718 out
[20:52] [D]Guiseppe> lmao
[20:52] merciless1 in
Game successfully created in database.
[20:52] [D]doom9718 in
[20:52] [D]doom9718> F
[20:52] [D]Guiseppe> want me to show in discord?
[20:52] merciless1> F tio
[20:52] [D]doom9718> yes
[20:52] [D]doom9718> im in main hut
[20:53] [D]doom9718> channel
[20:53] [AvA]Mibbel in
[20:53] [AvA]Mibbel> hello
[20:53] [D]doom9718> hello mibbel
[20:54] [AvA]Mibbel> hi doom :)
[20:54] [D]Guiseppe> It lost data packs
Game successfully checked in.
[20:54] [D]doom9718> F
[20:54] [D]Guiseppe> so wasnt really seeing the true game lol
[20:54] [D]doom9718> yeah
[20:55] [D]doom9718> :'(
[20:55] [D]Guiseppe> Well that's what you get for not spectating the other way
[20:55] [D]Guiseppe> :kekw:
[20:55] nah> 2v2?
[20:55] [D]Guiseppe> jk lol oopsss
[20:56] humanbean in
[20:56] nah> 1v1?
[20:56] nah> 2v2?
[20:56] nah> 3v3?
[20:56] nah> 4v4?
[20:57] [D]doom9718> lol
[20:57] nah> I am inpatince
[20:57] [D]doom9718> jozef host nah and me
[20:58] nah> if I could play vs 5 AIs I would have gone and do that
[20:59] T-Rod in
[21:00] T-Rod> :howdy:
[21:00] [D]doom9718> relogging
[21:00] nah> 1h
[21:00] [D]doom9718 out
[21:00] T-Rod> big mibbel in da house
[21:01] [D]doom9718 in
[21:01] [D]doom9718> hey you no wait :(
[21:01] christo0972 in
[21:01] [D]doom9718> wtf why high ping
[21:01] nah> finally a game after 1h of waiintg
[21:01] [D]doom9718 out
[21:02] [D]doom9718 in
[21:02] [SW]BadNewsEagles in
[21:02] nah> doom?
[21:02] nah> did you left again
[21:02] [D]doom9718> you no see my ping?
[21:02] [D]doom9718> 30
[21:02] [D]doom9718> 300
[21:02] nah> ok
[21:02] [AvA]Mibbel> hi T-Rod :)
[21:03] lebannen> sry cristo is nah spot
[21:03] nah> dam it
[21:03] lebannen> nah
[21:03] nah> now I feel even worse
[21:03] nah> lol
[21:03] lebannen> join
[21:03] christo0972> open 6P
[21:03] [D]doom9718> join nah
[21:03] nah> I have been waiting for half an hour :(
[21:04] [D]Guiseppe> Hi trod
[21:04] [D]Guiseppe> Did you see doom is a slave :ohyes:
[21:04] christo0972 out
[21:05] [D]Guiseppe> lol Riley is destroying Jimmy
[21:05] [SW]BadNewsEagles out
[21:11] T-Rod out
Game results submitted.
[21:15] [SW]BadNewsEagles> join
[21:15] Minibot_UK> [SW]BadNewsEagles: There is already a host in your hut
[21:15] [SW]BadNewsEagles> gg
[21:16] ExLordDeath> ggwp
[21:16] [SW]BadNewsEagles> I was lag
[21:16] ExLordDeath> get the mini bot
[21:16] ExLordDeath> lo
[21:16] ExLordDeath> yeah idk
[21:16] [SW]BadNewsEagles> join
[21:16] Minibot_UK> [SW]BadNewsEagles: Please wait until the "X Ping" goes away before sending commands. * Type !forward , if you are having issues with ping/connecting
[21:16] ExLordDeath> it was mostly good on my end
[21:16] Minibot_UK> ExLordDeath: Welcome to the 1vs1 HostBot! To use, PM the following commands: * [maps] - Lists the available maps * [launch] - Starts the game * [color name] - Change the tribe rotation (blue/red/green/yellow) * [unrank] - Set the game to unranked * [rank] - Set the host to be ranked (on by default) * [reset] - Restarts the hostbot, if it gets stuck. * [download] - Download Link Installer for the game.
[21:16] [SW]BadNewsEagles> go
Launching game...
Minibot_UK - Map Pack: Åsgard Worlds (1.1)
ExLordDeath - MapPack: OK
[SW]BadNewsEagles - MapPack: OK
Players: - Minibot_UK: Blue (Watcher) - [SW]BadNewsEagles: Red - ExLordDeath: Yellow * Ranked Game Game Type: Normal
Game successfully created in database.
[21:18] barracuda11 in
[21:19] christo0972 in
Game successfully checked in.
[21:20] barracuda11 out
[21:23] [SW]Fried_Rice out
[21:32] christo0972 out
[21:35] nah> 57 won fights
[21:35] nah> 6 los
[21:35] nah> 13 Shaman killed
[21:35] nah> 11 died ( probably at that last part xD )
[21:36] nah> anyone 1v1?
[21:36] nah> or are there enought players for 2v2=
[21:37] nah> good thing that I do not remeber names xD
[21:40] [AvA]Mibbel> im out ill be back
[21:41] [AvA]Mibbel out
[21:45] Mowgli in
[21:49] Mowgli out
[21:53] [SW]BadNewsEagles out
Game results submitted.
[21:53] ExLordDeath> lol just gets off
[21:56] [D]Trumps_Ear out
[21:58] [AvA]JJaydenn out
[21:59] Svarog in
[22:01] Svarog out
[22:04] merciless1 out
[22:08] nah> Anyone ON for a game?
[22:11] [D]Trumps_Ear in
[22:17] [D]Guiseppe out
[22:19] [D]doom9718> jozef host nah an me
[22:30] [GoD]FreeInca> naaaah
[22:31] [D]doom9718> freeinca host us
[22:31] [GoD]FreeInca> estaba durmiedo
[22:31] [D]doom9718> hostea ponte espectador y vete a dormir de nuevo
[22:32] [GoD]FreeInca> eso para que
[22:32] [GoD]FreeInca> voy a hospedar
[22:32] nah> so?
[22:33] nah> write on private
[22:33] nah> DUDE
[22:33] nah> WHO TF
[22:33] [D]doom9718> lol
[22:33] nah> I only send Question MARK
[22:33] nah> Why is there :" so "
[22:33] [GoD]FreeInca> shut up bitch
[22:33] [D]doom9718> omg
[22:33] nah> I wrote: ?
[22:33] nah> and send
[22:33] nah> and for whatever reason
[22:33] nah> there is: "so?
[22:33] nah> xD
[22:33] [D]doom9718> with who you are talking nah?
[22:33] [GoD]FreeInca> shut up
[22:34] nah> with my self
[22:34] Mowgli in
[22:34] [GoD]FreeInca> puto de mierda
[22:34] [D]doom9718> lol
[22:34] [GoD]FreeInca> que no lea simplemente
[22:34] [D]doom9718> omg
[22:34] Zpektrix_TAS out
[22:35] christo0972 in
[22:35] [GoD]FreeInca> rata
[22:36] [GoD]FreeInca> mowgli entra
[22:36] christo0972> +1
[22:37] nah> let me re
[22:37] nah out
[22:37] [D]doom9718> ill go to gym now :)
[22:37] nah in
[22:37] christo0972> ok
[22:37] nah out
[22:37] nah in
[22:40] christo0972 out
[22:40] christo0972 in
[22:41] christo0972 out
[22:43] nah> Anyone up for 1v1?
[22:44] [D]doom9718 out
[22:46] Mowgli out
[22:48] [Rw]Raver in
[22:49] [Rw]Raver out
[22:53] lebannen out
[22:56] [D]doom9718 in
[22:57] nah> ppl going IN and Out
[22:57] nah> in
[22:57] nah> out
[22:57] nah> in out
[22:58] [D]doom9718 out
[23:01] ExLordDeath> 1v1
[23:03] bignoobmanfr in
[23:03] nah> sec
[23:03] [D]Guiseppe in
[23:06] bignoobmanfr out
[23:07] lebannen in
[23:15] nah> lets go one more
[23:15] nah> last one
[23:15] nah> bc I need to go
[23:15] [D]doom9718 in
[23:15] nah> Anyone up for 1v1?
[23:16] nah> If noone I will go afk for 10 min
[23:16] [D]doom9718> jozef host us :)
[23:16] nah> oh
[23:16] nah> ok
[23:16] [D]doom9718> ty
[23:16] [D]Guiseppe> map?
[23:16] [D]doom9718> pick tom
[23:17] [D]doom9718> let me relog
[23:17] [D]doom9718 out
[23:17] nah> I have X
[23:17] nah out
[23:17] [D]Guiseppe> relog
[23:17] [D]doom9718 in
[23:17] nah in
[23:17] nah out
[23:17] nah in
[23:17] [D]doom9718> ready
[23:19] Mammy_Tas out
[23:21] [D]Trumps_Ear in
[23:22] [D]Guiseppe> :monkastab:
[23:22] [D]Trumps_Ear> :monkastab:
[23:23] Sponge in
[23:23] Sponge out
[23:23] [D]Trumps_Ear out
[23:28] nah> its 1 AM for me
[23:28] nah> and need to get up at 4
[23:28] [D]doom9718> just tell me that bro
[23:29] [D]doom9718> take a rest
[23:29] [D]doom9718> np
[23:29] nah> just small refreshment
[23:29] [D]doom9718> no bro
[23:29] nah> and if that is illigeal turn it off
[23:29] [D]doom9718> take your 8hour of sleeep
[23:29] nah> lol
[23:29] [D]doom9718> ok
[23:29] nah> will see
[23:29] nah> if I fall asleep durring walk
[23:29] nah> will go off
[23:30] [D]doom9718> gn bro
[23:30] nah> I fell asleep durring that game xD
[23:30] [D]doom9718> omg
[23:34] [D]doom9718 out
[23:35] Luxray in
[23:35] themrspysir in
[23:39] nah> nope I am out
[23:39] nah> floor is shaking beneath me
[23:39] nah> :D
[23:39] nah> cya
[23:39] nah> and thx
[23:39] nah out
[23:40] JackBayer in
[23:46] bignoobmanfr in
[23:50] JackBayer out